Partially conductive structures are the basis for the integration of electronical components into textiles. These conductive structures can be created using metallised threads. In order to provide suitable metallised threads, the TITV developed the textile electroplating technology. Based on an existing pre-metallisation, via galvanic modifications highly conductive threads are produced as well as special functionalities e.g. for textile sensors can be created.
The principle behind our thread electroplating unit is wire electroplating. The plant enables modifications of threads and twines and grants high-quality
- separation of pure metal films of e.g. copper, silver, gold, platinum,
- separation of alloys and layer systems,
- electrochemical modification of metal layers, e.g. anodising to generate oxide layers, cataphoretic painting.
The electrochemical metallisation of knitted fabrics followed by the de-knit process is an effective production procedure. These highly conductive threads are sold by the TITV subsidiary imbut GmbH under the brand name ELITEX®.